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Tag: Floor Ordering

3D floor and ceiling 3D floors / ceilings object has next properties:

If the walls of a room are moved or modified, the floor and ceiling will adjust accordingly automatically Floors are automatically placed at a height of -10 mm under the walls After being loaded, floors and ceilings keep their Intelligence properties Edit area: A floor's corners can be edited If an intelligent floor covering (tiles) has been laid, the covering's Intelligence dialog box can be accessed from the floor Floors and ceilings are automatically set to immovable The corresponding Intelligence properties remain intact after the following operations: Cut, Saw,Split, Boolean Addition, Boolean Subtraction, and Boolean Difference The object is normally created automatically when a room is created If a tiling object has been laid on a floor, the tiling will adapt automatically to a change in the floor

3D wall object has next properties:

The intelligent window/door obj's are automatically placed in a wall If the window / door is moved, modified, or deleted, the wall cutout will automatically adjust accordingly Walls can be connected If a connected wall is moved or rotated, the walls connected to this wall will automatically adjust accordingly For this adjustment, the rule is that the connected walls will not change their angle – only their length An intelligent floor will change, together with its corners, in line with wall modifications Walls can generate a front on either side Each front can generate a wall covering A wall can generate a pitched roof If wall coverings have been created, they will be part of the group Installed windows and doors are part of the wall's group If a wall's Intelligence dialog box is started and window / doors or tiling objects are installed/mounted in/on the wall, a selection window will appear

3d wall can Intersect with other wall

Connects two walls in such a way that both are extended all the way to their point of intersection. The wall parts that go beyond the intersection are cut off. Use the mouse to select the wall that should be used for the intersection in the Floor View window